Examination Overview
The Winchester District Local Plan 2020 - 2040 was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent Examination on Friday 15th November 2024.
More information about the submission, and the submission documents, can be found below.
R Barrett MRTPI IHBC has been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Winchester District Local Plan. .
The Inspectors' task is to consider the soundness of the submitted Plan (para 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework December 2023) and whether it has been prepared in accordance with the legal and procedural requirements. Plans are sound if they are:
- - Positively prepared – providing a strategy which, as a minimum, seeks to meet the area’s objectively assessed needs; and is informed by agreements with other authorities, so that unmet need from neighbouring areas is accommodated where it is practical to do so and is consistent with achieving sustainable development;
- - Justified – an appropriate strategy, taking into account the reasonable alternatives, and based on proportionate evidence;
- - Effective – deliverable over the plan period, and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic matters that have been dealt with rather than deferred, as evidenced by the statement of common ground; and
- - Consistent with national policy – enabling the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in this Framework and other statements of national planning policy, where relevant.
Information on the Examination Process:
Information about the examination process can be found on the Government's Local Plan web page. This page includes the Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations which provides detailed practical advice for local authorities and Guidance for Programme Officers. In addition, Local plans: taking part in examinations - GOV.UK is a helpful guide about the whole Examination process for all participants.
Programme Officer:
Jill Taylor has been appointed as the Programme Officer.
Jill is an independent officer of the examination and works on the Inspector’s behalf, organising and managing the administrative and procedural matters of the examination process. The Programme Officer acts as the contact for any person who has an interest in the examination, liaising between the Inspector, Representors and Winchester City Council.
Any matters that anyone wishes to raise with the Inspector should be submitted through the Programme Officer.
Programme Officer Contact Details:
Email: programmeofficer@winchester.gov.uk
Telephone: 07980 732 035
Post: C/O Winchester City Council, Colebrook Street, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9LJ
Latest News
6 December 2024 - Inspector Appointment
The Secretary of State has now arranged for an Inspector to be appointed by the Planning Inspectorate. The appointed Inspector will examine the Local Plan to establish whether it is ‘sound’, taking into account all of the representations received.
R Barrett MRTPI IHBC has been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Winchester District Local Plan.
Examination correspondence
ED01 - Programme Officer notification to Regulation 19 Representors (pdf, 101kb). Published 18/12/24
Submission Documents
The Local Plan Library can be used to search for individual documents.
Submission Documents
Letter to PINS
Letter to Pins Reg 22 Submission Letter to PINS (November 2024) (pdf, 796kb) SD01 - Winchester District Local Plan 2020 – 2040: Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) (August 2024)
Reference Number Document SD01 Winchester District Local Plan 2020 – 2040 Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) (August 2024) (pdf, 26.3mb) SD02 - Integrated Impact Assessment (August 2024) - Which incorporates the Sustainability Appraisal, Equality Impact Assessment and Health Impact Assessment.
Reference Number Document SD02a Integrated impact Assessment (IIA) Regulation 19 - Main Report (July 2024) (pdf, 15.1mb) SD02b Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Regulation 19 - Appendices A to E (pdf, 19mb) SD02c Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report Appendix F (July 2024) (pdf, 37.5mb) SD02d Integrated impact Assessment (IIA) Regulation 19 - Non Technical Summary (July 2024) (pdf, 669kb) SD03 - Winchester District Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment
Reference Number Document SD03 Winchester District Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment (July 2024) (pdf, 26.1mb) SD04 - Addendum to the Habitats Regulation Assessment (November 2024) to address representation from Natural England to address air quality impacts in relation to the Bushfield Camp site allocation.
Reference Number Document SD04a Addendum to the Habitats Regulation Assessment (November 2024) (pdf, 9.4mb) SD04b Air Quality Assessment (November 2024) (pdf, 1.6mb) SD05 - Submission Policies Map
Reference Number Document SD05 Submission Policies Maps (pdf, 9.8mb) Public consultation / Duty to Cooperate
SD06 - Duty to Cooperate Statement of Compliance
Reference Number Document SD06 Duty to Cooperate Statement of Compliance (August 2024) (pdf, 792kb) SD07 - Regulation 22 Statement of Consultation
Reference Number Document SD07a Regulation 22 Statement of Consultation Part 1 (November 2024) (pdf, 1.5mb) SD07b Regulation 22 Statement of Consultation Part 2 (November 2024) (pdf, 1.5mb) SD08 - Statements of Common Ground with neighbouring authorities and other statutory bodies
SD09 - Legal
Reference number Document SD09 Regulation 22 Statement of Fact (November 2024) (pdf, 183kb) Other submission documentation
SD10 - Council Local Plan Topic Papers
Reference number Document SD10a Carbon Neutrality and Embodied Carbon Topic Paper (November 2024) (pdf, 6.9mb) SD10b Development Strategy and Site Selection Proposed Submission Plan Topic paper (July 2024) (pdf, 13.5mb) SD10c Development Strategy and Site Selection Proposed Submission Plan Topic Paper Appendix 3 (July 2024) (pdf, 2.4mb) SD10d Gypsy and Travellers Topic Paper (July 2024) (pdf, 1.9mb) SD10e Health Topic Paper (August 2024) (pdf, 1002kb) SD10f Heritage Topic Paper (July 2024) (pdf, 1.1mb) SD10g Housing Topic Paper (July 2024) (pdf, 1.6mb) SD10h Nutrient Neutrality Topic Paper (November 2024) (pdf, 2.8mb) SD10i Student Accommodation Topic Paper (July 2024) (pdf, 734kb) SD10j Wickham Site Selection Background Paper (November 2024) (pdf, 2.4mb) SD11 - Timetable - Local Development Scheme
Reference number Document SD11 Local Plan Timetable (Local Development Scheme 2023) (pdf, 1.2mb) SD12 - Statement of Community Involvement
Reference number Document SD12 Statement of Community Involvement (January 2024) (pdf, 1.2mb) SD13 - Authorities Monitoring Report 2022/2023
Reference number Document SD13 Authorities Monitoring Report 2022 2023 (pdf, 2.2mb) SD14 - Council’s suggested schedule of proposed modifications - These proposed modifications have not been subjected to any consultation at this stage
Reference number Document SD14a Schedule of Proposed Modifications (November 2024) (pdf, 694kb) SD14b Appendix 1 Schedule of Proposed Modifications (November 2024) (pdf, 5.3mb) SD15 - Soundness and Legal Compliance Statement
Reference number Document SD15 Soundess and Legal Compliance Statement (November 2024) (pdf, 494kb) -
Evidence Base
The Local Plan Library can be used to search for individual documents.
Evidence Base Documents
These documents have been grouped by Local Plan topic and are in plan order
You can search for the name of the document or key word using 'Control + F'.
Carbon Neutrality and Designing for Low Carbon Infrastructure
Reference number Document CN01 WinAcc Renewable Energy in Winchester District (February 2022) (pdf, 1mb) CN02 Renewable Energy Study for Winchester District Development Framework (December 2008) (pdf, 1.4mb) CN03 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Whole Life Carbon Assessment (pdf, 2.5mb) CN04 Part O Building Regulations on Overheating (pdf, 3.5mb) CN05 Part L Building Regulations on the conservation of fuel and power (pdf, 1.5mb) CN06 Embodied Carbon Policy Options (June 2023) (pdf, 4.6mb) CN07 Code for Sustainable Homes (pdf, 3.5mb) CN08 Climate Emergency Declaration CN09 Climate Change Act 2008 (pdf, 2.9mb) CN10 Carbon Neutrality Action Plan 2023 (pdf, 4.7mb) CN11 BREEAM certification CN12 A guide to making your historic building more energy efficient 2023 (pdf, 1.5mb) High Quality Well-Designed Places and Living Well
Reference number Document HQD01 Winchester Town Vision - One Great Win HQD02 Winchester City and it's Setting HQD03 Winchester Townscape Assessment (pdf, 1mb) HQD04 Workshop 1 Report - Design Policy (pdf, 2.1mb) HQD05 Workshop 2 Report - Winchester Town Centre (pdf, 16.4mb) HQD06 Workshop 3 report - Market Towns and Rural Villages (pdf, 10mb) HQD07 Winchester City Council - Pre-Applications advice and enquiries HQD08 Whiteley Townscape Assessment (pdf, 895kb) HQD09 National Design Guide (pdf, 10.5mb) HQD10 National Model Design Code Part 1 (pdf, 6.1mb) HQD11 National Model Design Code Part 2 (pdf, 10.9mb) HQD12 Master Planning Approach to Concept Master Plans (June 2023) (pdf, 2.1mb) HQD13 High Quality Places SPD (pdf, 4.2mb) HQD14 Design methodology for the assessment of overheating risk in homes HQD15 Design Guidance for the Control of Shopfronts and Signs (pdf, 1.2mb) HQD16 Active Design Guidance (pdf, 14.8mb) Sustainable Transport and Active Travel
Biodiversity and the Natural Environment
The Historic Environment
Homes for All
Reference number Document HA01 Winchester Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update (July 2024) (pdf, 1.1mb) HA02 Winchester District Strategic Housing Market Assessment (February 2020) (pdf, 5mb) HA03 Technical housing standards - nationally described space standard (pdf, 386kb) HA04 Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Report (SHELAA) (2023) (pdf, 1mb) HA05 Home Movers Survey 2023 (pdf, 8.8mb) HA06 Census 2021 (pdf, 3.5mb) HA07 Windfall Assessment Report (February 2021) (pdf, 836kb) Creating a Vibrant Economy
Reference number Document VE01 WCC Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) VE02 Town Centre Uses Study 2024 (pdf, 1.8mb) VE03 Town Centre Uses Study 2024 Appendices (pdf, 3.8mb) VE04 The Economic Strategy for 2010-2020 (pdf, 4.5mb) VE05 Retail, Leisure and Town Centre Uses Study (August 2020) - Main Report and Appendix A (pdf, 9.8mb) VE06 Retail, Leisure and Town Centre Uses Study (August 2020) - Appendix B and Appendix C (pdf, 3mb) VE07 Green Economic Development Strategy (pdf, 3.8mb) VE08 Employment Land Study (July 2024) (pdf, 8.2mb) VE09 Employment Land Study (April 2020) (pdf, 5.3mb) Integrated Impact Assessments
Reference number Document IIA01 IIA Scoping Report (July 2020) (pdf, 16.5mb) IIA02 IIA Main Report (Oct 2022) (pdf, 88mb) IIA03 IIA Appendices A - E (Oct 2022) (pdf, 104.8mb) IIA04 IIA Appendix F (Oct 2022) (pdf, 53.9mb) IIA05 IIA Non-Technical Summary (Oct 2022) (pdf, 748kb) IIA06 IIA Erratum Main Report (Nov 2022) (pdf, 1.6mb) IIA 07 IIA Erratum Appendix F (Nov 2022) (pdf, 48mb) IIA 08 IIA Erratum Appendix F Version 2 (Nov 2022) (pdf, 48mb) Consultations
Reference number Document CON01 Regulation 18 draft Local Plan (November 2022) (pdf, 25mb) CON02 Regulation 18 consultation document (December 2022) (pdf, 614kb) CON03 Regulation 18 Consultation Document Appendix (November 2022) (pdf, 29mb) CON04 Local Plan Strategic Issues and Priorities Consultation Report (May 2021) (pdf, 510kb) CON05 Strategic Issues and Priorities (SIP) consultation document (pdf, 1.1mb) CON06 SIP Consultation Document Appendix (pdf, 28.3mb) CON07 Local Plan Launch Summary 2018 (pdf, 203kb) CON08 Regulation 19 consultation report (pdf, 425kb) CON09 Regulation 19 consultation report appendices (pdf, 6mb) Reports
Reference number Document RP01 Council Plan 2020 -2025 Winchester City Council online (pdf, 2mb) RP02 New Forest Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy 2023 (pdf, 3mb) RP03 Welborne Plan by Fareham Borough Council in 2015 (pdf, 14.7mb) RP04 Community Energy South and HCC RP05 Fire and Rescue Service Guidance for Commercial and Domestic Planning Applications (pdf, 689kb) RP06 Levelling up and Regeneration Act 2023 (pdf, 6.3mb) RP07 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2023 (pdf, 834kb) RP08 Noise Policy Statement for England (Defra) March 2010 (pdf, 430kb) RP09 Policy Framework for Gaps (pdf, 74kb) RP10 South Downs National Park Local Plan (pdf, 10.2mb) RP11 The Equality Act 2010 (pdf, 4.8mb) RP12 The Localism Act 2011 (pdf, 16.3mb) RP13 The Planning and Energy Act 2008 (pdf, 302kb) Development Strategy and Sites
Reference number Document DS01 Settlement Hierarchy Review (August 2024) (pdf, 847kb) DS02 Sutton Scotney Site Selection Information (August 2024) (pdf, 988kb) Recreation and Leisure
Reference number Document RL01 WCC Open Space Assessment 2022 (pdf, 11.7mb)
Please note: population data error for Olivers Battery (Page 70). Should read population: 1493
RL02 Winchester City Council Playing Pitch Strategy & Action Plan (April 2018) (pdf, 1.2mb) Gypsy and Travellers
Reference number Document GT01 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) (October 2022) (pdf, 2mb) GT02 Pitch Deliverability Assessment (PDA) (October 2022) (pdf, 848kb) GT03 Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People DPD (February 2019) (pdf, 4.3mb) PfSH (Partnership for South Hampshire)
Reference number Document PSH01 PfSH Spatial Position Statement (December 2023) (pdf, 1.7mb) PSH02 Strategic Green and Blue Infrastructure Opportunities in South Hampshire (September 2023) (pdf, 23.6mb) PSH03 Green Belt/ Green Infrastructure Design Study (May 2022) (pdf, 21.4mb) Local Plan Viability
Neighbourhood Plans
Reference number Document NP01 Preparation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan by Curdridge Parish Council letter (June 2024) (pdf, 161kb) NP02 Denmead Neighbourhood Plan 2011 - 2031 (pdf, 2.3mb) NP03 Twyford Neighbourhood Plan 2019 - 2033 (pdf, 10.6mb) NP04 Preparation of a Neighbourhood Development Plan by Hursley Parish Council letter (November 2024) (pdf, 406kb) Infrastructure
Reference number Document IN01 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (August 2024) (pdf, 3.9mb) Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
Reference number Document HRA01 Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) (October 2022) (pdf, 19.4mb) HRA02 Habitats Regulations Assessment Scoping Report (July 2020) (pdf, 4.8mb) Village Design Statements
Reference number Document VDS01 Bishops-Waltham VDS (pdf, 2.8mb) VDS02 Colden Common VDS VDS03 Denmead VDS (pdf, 2.4mb) VDS04 Kings Worthy and Abbots Worthy VDS (pdf, 2.2mb) VDS05 Littleton VDS (pdf, 5.9mb) VDS06 Otterbourne VDS (pdf, 7mb) VDS07 South Wonston VDS (pdf, 10.1mb) VDS08 Swanmore VDS (pdf, 2.9mb) VDS09 Wickham VDS (pdf, 5.3mb) -
Policies Map
The Policies Map is an interactive mapping tool accompanying the Local Plan that displays all the spatial policies of the Local Plan. Spatial policies are those that affect a particular area or location.
Please click this link to view the Policies Map
A PDF copy of the policies map can be viewed here.
The search function can be used to navigate to a particular area, and the layers list can be used to show and hide various spatial policy layers.
Press the back arrow to return to this Local Plan website.
View Representations
All of the responses to the Proposed Submission Plan (Regulation 19) consultation can be viewed using the searchable database of representations here.
Any additional documents that were received to accompany representations can be viewed here. You can also view any post consultation documents on this page.
The following respondents submitted their details and asked to be kept informed of Local Plan updates, but did not directly respond to any questions:
ANON-AQTS-3BEZ-D Susan Heath-Caldwell
ANON-AQTS-3BVX-V No name given
ANON-AQTS-3BYR-S James Wait, Avenue Cars Winchester
Hearing Statements
A series of public hearings will be held by the Inspector during the course of the Examination.
Check back here for updates on the Local Plan Examination