The Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) was discussed at the Scrutiny meeting on 29 July and at Cabinet on 19 August 2024 and full Council on 28 August 2024.
Consultation on the Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
The consultation on the Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) has now closed.
Thank you for all of your comments on the consultation.
These comments will now be collated and the main issues identified. The comments will be sent to the Planning Inspector as part of the submission for the Local Plan Examination.
Please see the Local Plan Stages plan for the next steps in the process.
A copy of Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) can be viewed here. (pdf, 26.1mb)
Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)/ Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
The Local Plan has been prepared alongside and been informed by the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA).
The SA is an integral part of the process and is used throughout the development of the new Local Plan. This is under the umbrella of the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). It assesses the significant social, environmental and economic effects of the plan to ensure that decisions are made that contribute to achieving sustainable development.
The SA assesses individual sites, proposed policies and different delivery options to address the overall housing need.
The HRA identifies whether the plan is likely to have a significant effect on European protected sites and demonstrates that where significant impacts have been identified on nature conservation these will be avoided or mitigated.
Please find a link to the IIA and HRA.
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report Non-Technical Summary (July 2024) (pdf, 581kb)
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report (July 2024) (pdf, 16.6mb)
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report Appendices A-E (July 2024) (pdf, 19mb)
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report Appendix F (July 2024) (pdf, 36.9mb)
Regulation 19 Habitat Regulation Assessment (July 2024) (pdf, 26mb)
Response to the Representations on the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
Thank you to everyone who took the time to feedback on our Regulation 18 consultation in autumn 2022. We received 967 responses from individuals, businesses, organisations and charities across the Winchester District, with a total of 3438 written comments on the Local Plan policies and site allocations.
All of the individual responses to the consultation can be viewed here.. These responses are organised by the name of the responder and their organisation (if relevant).
All of the comments received have been categorised into the Local Plan policies, analysed and responded to. The responses to each comment can be viewed below under the relevant Local Plan chapter.
Each individual response has been allocated a reference number. A list of the reference numbers, name of responder and organisation can be found here. (pdf, 218kb). Please check this document for the reference number and then view this reference number against the relevant policy that you made comments on.
Local Plan Topics
Introduction - Vision and Objectives - Responses to Representations SP1 - Vision and Objectives View consultation comments on SP1 (pdf, 337kb) SP2 - Spatial Strategy and Development Principles View consultation comments on SP2 (pdf, 272kb) SP3 - Development in the Countryside View consultation comments on SP3 (pdf, 261kb) Carbon Neutrality and Designing for Low Carbon Infrastructure - Responses to Representations CN1 - Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change (pdf, 475kb) CN2 - Energy Hierarchy (pdf, 290kb) CN3 - Energy Efficiency Standards to Reduce Carbon Emissions (pdf, 565kb) CN4 - Water Efficiency Standards in New Developments (pdf, 273kb) CN5 - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Schemes (pdf, 426kb) CN6 - Micro Energy Generation Schemes (pdf, 181kb) CN7 - Energy Storage (pdf, 198kb) High Quality Well-Designed Places and Living Well - Responses to Representations D1 - High Quality, Well Designed and Inclusive Places (pdf, 462kb) D2 - Design Principles for Winchester Town (pdf, 355kb) D3 - Design Principles for the South Hampshire Urban Area (pdf, 181kb) D4 - Design Principles for Market Towns and Rural Villages (pdf, 237kb) D5 - Masterplans (pdf, 377kb) D6 - Previously Developed Land and Making Best Use of Land (pdf, 464kb) D7 - Development Standards (pdf, 195kb) D8 - Contaminated Land (pdf, 156kb) D9 - Impact of Overheating (pdf, 157kb) (policy now deleted) D10 - Shopfronts (pdf, 163kb) (policy now renumbered D9) D11 - Signage (pdf, 165kb) (policy now renumbered D10) Sustainable Transport and Active Travel - Responses to representations T1 - Sustainable and Active Transport and Travel (pdf, 743kb) T2 - Parking for New Developments (pdf, 381kb) T3 - Enabling Sustainable Travel Modes of Transport and the Design and Layout of Parking for New Developments (pdf, 302kb) T4 - Access for New Developments (pdf, 268kb) Homes for all - Responses to Representations H1 - Housing Provision (pdf, 958kb) H2 - Housing Phasing and Supply (pdf, 476kb) H3 - Spatial Housing Distribution (pdf, 304kb) H4 - Development Within Settlements (pdf, 222kb) H5 - Meeting Housing Needs (pdf, 975kb) H6 - Affordable Housing (pdf, 453kb) H7 - Affordable Housing Exception Sites to Meet Local Needs (pdf, 243kb) H8 - Small dwellings in the Countryside (pdf, 123kb) H9 - Purpose Built Student Accommodation (pdf, 199kb) H10 - Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) (pdf, 168kb) H11 - Housing for Essential Rural Workers (pdf, 175kb) H12 - Provision for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople (pdf, 249kb) H13 - Safeguarding Traveller Sites (pdf, 98kb) H14 - Authorised Traveller Site Intensification (pdf, 86kb) H15 - Authorised New/Expanded Traveller Sites (pdf, 111kb) H16 - The Nurseries, Shedfield (pdf, 88kb) H17 - Carousel Park, Micheldever (pdf, 110kb) (policy now deleted) H18 - Tynefield, Whiteley (pdf, 118kb) Creating a Vibrant Economy - Responses to Representations E1 - Vibrant Economy (pdf, 304kb) E2 - Spatial Distribution of Economic Growth (pdf, 204kb) E3 - Town Centres Strategy and Hierarchy (pdf, 228kb) E4 - Main Town Centre Uses Out of Centre (pdf, 222kb) E5 - Enhancing Employment Opportunities (pdf, 153kb) E6 - Retaining Employment Opportunities (pdf, 174kb) E7 - Maintaining the Vitality and Viability of Town Centres (pdf, 197kb) E8 - Local Shops, Services and Facilities (pdf, 197kb) E9 - Economic Development in the Rural Area (pdf, 202kb) E10 - Farm Diversification (pdf, 206kb) E11 - Visitor-Related Development Within the Countryside (pdf, 197kb) Site allocations
Winchester Site Allocations - Responses to Representations W1 - Barton Farm Major Development Area (pdf, 372kb) W2 - Sir John Moore Barracks (pdf, 794kb) W3 - St Peter's Car Park (pdf, 420kb) W4 - Land West of Courtenay Road (pdf, 461kb) W5 - Bushfield Camp (pdf, 624kb) W6 - Winnall (pdf, 415kb) W7 - Central Winchester Regeneration (pdf, 526kb) W8 - Station Approach Regeneration Area (pdf, 506kb) W9 - Bar End Depot (pdf, 375kb) W10 - Former River Park Leisure Centre Site (pdf, 1mb) W11 - University of Winchester/Royal Hampshire County Hospital (pdf, 556kb) South Hampshire Urban Area - Responses to Representations SH1 - Newlands (West of Waterlooville) (pdf, 340kb) SH2 - North Whiteley (pdf, 479kb) SH3 - Whiteley Green (pdf, 365kb) SH4 - Solent Business Park (pdf, 321kb) SH5 - Little Park Farm (pdf, 260kb) (policy now deleted) SH6 - Botley Bypass (pdf, 173kb) Omission Sites
Winchester Omission sites (pdf, 305kb) Kings Worthy Omission sites (pdf, 178kb) New Alresford Omission sites (pdf, 80kb) South Hampshire Urban Area Omission sites (pdf, 157kb) Sutton Scotney Omission sites (pdf, 236kb) Waltham Chase Omission sites (pdf, 68kb) Littleton Omission sites (pdf, 108kb) Bishops Waltham Omission sites (pdf, 79kb) Denmead Omission sites (pdf, 100kb) Otterbourne Omission sites (pdf, 104kb) Wickham Omission sites (pdf, 116kb) Colden Common Omission sites (pdf, 89kb) Swanmore Omission sites (pdf, 250kb) Other Areas Omission sites (pdf, 152kb) Missing policy
Vision and Objectives - missing policy (pdf, 59kb) Carbon Neutrality and Designing for Low Carbon Infrastructure (pdf, 122kb) High Quality Well-Designed Places and Living Well - missing policy (pdf, 78kb) Sustainable Transport and Active Travel - missing policy (pdf, 83kb) Biodiversity and the Natural Environment - missing policy (pdf, 273kb) The Historic Environment - missing policy No comments received Homes for All - missing policy (pdf, 100kb) Economy - missing policy (pdf, 102kb) Development Allocations - Winchester - missing policy (pdf, 169kb) Development Allocations - SHUA - missing policy No comments received Development Allocations - MTRA - missing policy (pdf, 92kb) Other - missing policy (pdf, 212kb) Monitoring policies
Monitoring policies - Responses to Representations Vision and Objectives - monitoring (pdf, 141kb) Carbon Neutrality and Embodied Carbon - monitoring (pdf, 146kb) High Quality Well-Designed Places and Living Well - monitoring (pdf, 150kb) Sustainable Transport and Active Travel - monitoring (pdf, 144kb) Biodiversity and the Natural Environment - monitoring (pdf, 302kb) The Historic Environment - monitoring (pdf, 147kb) Homes for All - monitoring (pdf, 151kb) Creating a Vibrant Economy - monitoring (pdf, 120kb) Evidence Base
Local Plan Viability Assessment - evidence base (pdf, 261kb) Integrated impact Assessment (IIA) - evidence base (pdf, 445kb) Sustainability Appraisal (SA) - evidence base (pdf, 92kb) Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) - evidence base (pdf, 120kb) Settlement Heirarchy - evidence base (pdf, 573kb) Development Strategy and Site Selection – Evidence Base (pdf, 153kb) -
Evidence Base
The Winchester District Evidence Base is information collected on key aspects of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the district, to inform the preparation of planning documents including Local Plan and other policies.
Please find a link to the evidence base here.
Statements of Common Ground
In order to be able to satisfy the current Duty to Co-operate requirements, Officers have been working with a range of statutory organisations, utility companies and neighbouring Local Planning Authorities to agree a number of Statements of Common Ground.
You can access the Statements of Common Ground by visiting the Local Plan Library and selecting the 'Duty to Cooperate / Statement of Common Ground' tab.